Quality assured publications (last five years)
Alisa Kobzar, Lisa Mc Guire a letter to Humboldt – climatologically informed multimedia co-creation , Proceedings of the Conference on Data Art for Climate Action 2022.
Alisa Kobzar, Benedikt Brands, Valerian Drack, Jakob Leitner, Katharina Groß-Vogt, Clemens Amon. The Anthropocene Maze – an interactive listening experience of our ecological footprint on selected habitats., Proceedings of the Conference on Data Art for Climate Action 2022.
Alyssa Aska, Alisa Kobzar, Alexander Kremser, Margarethe Maierhofer-Lischka, Daniele Pozzi as if they were flowers, xCoAx proceedings 2021
Other publications
Alisa Kobzar Sound object, Bakkalaureatsarbeit, Computermusik, Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Graz, 2023.
Alisa Kobzar. MULTIMEDIA-KO-KREATION : Subjektive Analyse des Interaktionsrahmens des Duo rotkäppchen. Poster for 6. International Cultural Mediation Symposium 26. – 28.1.2023 @ Festspielhaus St.Pölten.

Alisa Kobzar. “Press REC”. Article in the [Swap Space project catalogue]((https://www.researchcatalogue.net/view/1562714/1767350). 2022
Alisa Kobzar. “Multimedia-Chemie” - a short article about the U92 project in freiStil, Juli-August 2022