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February 2, 2020

Live electronic music , live visual art, dance in front of the video projection.

In the project “U-92” we make an artistic exploration in the field of interactive space with transformational reactions on chemical processes of uranium. Our Society uses this diverse element with good intention (nuclear-medicine) or for demonstrating power (weapons). Another problematic subject is its inexhaustible resource of energy, which we are producing (nuclear reactor) in a careless way. As a by-product, nuclear waste is hazardous to all forms of life and the environment. Meta-task of “U-92” : we want to raise people’s awareness of conscious using the energy consumption. The decay chain of Uranium refers to a series of radioactive decays of different radioactive products as a sequential series of transformation. This process goes on until a stable isotope is reached. The time it takes can vary widely (from seconds to thousands of years). The decay of each single atom occurs spontaneously. One of the properties of an isotope is its half-life. Also the transformation to an other element depends on the alpha and beta decay. Depending on the respective percentage of the decay mode, for example Actinium can pass over into Thorium or Francium. These contingencies , represented by a specially designed algorithm, control the creative interactive process. Overall this algorithm should be the main structural vector, guiding through the performance and its composition.The multi-media relationship is based on the constant loop dance-sound-video.

The interactive space is interpreted in the game context, where the algorithm controls the speed of the time and changes the rules of interaction dance-music-visuals. The computer , considered as a control mechanism, makes the dancer and composer/ multimedia artist the equal participants-„gamers“ of the project, directing the consequence, speed and content libraries of sound/visuals/movements. The dancer has a game/midi controller as well, which will influence the composer’s controller and then the overall sound/video output, producing the chain reactions and, as a result, affecting the computer’s algorithm.

Performances: KiG (Graz) 2021, Sargfabrik (Vienna) 2022.


Excerpt from the performances:

Hosted also virtually as a part of the XOR Mozilla Hubs exhibition space