lebensformen 1a , 1b, 1c
February 2, 2020
This project explores the feedback connection between the inner and outer.
Initially planned as a project for 2 dancers and a e-violin performer (version 1), producing an effect on each other during the performance, because of the COVID-19 restrictions project has the live instrumental component. Currently project exists in 4 versions. Version 1 explores the 3 elementary living forms, coexisting and sharing the multimedia and physical spaces. Version 1 (inner) A is connecting the oscillations of one dancer between the inner and outer worlds as seen from the perspective of another dancer. Version 1 (inner) B is focused on the oscillations of one dancer between the inner and outer worlds. Version 1 C (currently in production phase) is a game-based virtualisation of the version 1.
Choreography, dance, performance: Felix Chang, Lisa Mc Guire
Motion capture, visuals, sound: Alisa Kobzar
Version 1 (inner) A - rehearsal
1 (inner) B - performance