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February 2, 2023

“Grow” combines dance in the limited space of the beamer’s projection with the visual art, operated in real time, and live electronic music, synthesised and played live.

The piece explores the transformative relationships between the body and technology. The reaction-interactions chains between the dancer and composer/multimedia artist are the result of nonverbal communication. Visually the role of the dancer is to propose the movement sequences, which receive immediate reactions in music and/or visual content because of the active visual following, or vice versa - the dancer reacts on the sound sequence, proposed by the composer in real time. Each part of the piece has the pre-set rules of communication, which are not limiting, but directing the interactive live performance. The live visual sequence has no rules, - the content is appearing as extension, illustration or reaction on the dance or musical component of the piece.

Read more about the project.

trailer of “grow”:

Updated version of the piece is called “2GROW”

Excerpt from “2GROW”: