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Night Dreams of Water

January 1, 2020

An experience inspired by water, nigh dreams and how we can experience these in a disembodied space, together. One main hubs room leads to three others, loosely inspired by the following words: “one can never step in the same river twice’” “what water will bring, will be taken away by water again,” “from water to air, holding and suspending, and then releasing and surfacing.

Collaboratively developed as a part of LabO ChampdAction programme (Antwerp) Olivia McGilchrist @Lucy Fandel @Linus Miller @Vladyslav Boyko Anzor Ghudushauri Kasia Trzewik

role: composer, multimedia artist, web dev, motion capturing artist

Video fragment:

Mozilla Hubs

-> version 2021.1 presented through the Hubs - based iX Symposium at SAT as one of the immersive works/selected projects